Day #2 has come and gone.
We got a really late start today. Neither one of us slept very good last night. The bed is a queen sized regular mattress. At home we have a king sized tempurpedic. *sigh* There is no fan or anything, so the air (what little of it there is) is stagnant.
Once we ate breakfast, which was leftovers from the dinner we had last night, we went to officially check in to our condo and pick up my ski equipment. Me and ski boots don't really get all. I've got sock problems, and shoe fitting problems and more general problems, but that's another story for another time...
We headed back to the condo to get dressed for the slopes after we got my equipment. We gathered all our gear and walked up the road the the Free Ride bus stop. Where we waited. And waited. And I thought that maybe the bus was never going to come, but it finally did. It dropped us off right at the bottom of Peak 9. There are 2 lifts there. You can see the trail map here. We rode the QuickSilver Super6 Chair lift.
Anyway, so we went down the Lower Lehman, which is totally fine, except for this crazy steep one little part, on which I bit it. Then I was not having a good time. After a long while of trying to get my skis back on (the boots get compacted with snow, so then they won't snap into the binding) we continued down the run. Jon was practicing some fancy something or other, on which he bit it. Then I was having a better time.
It was a much smoother ride. But since I'm not a skier, my legs were burning so bad I had to stop. I know, such a sissy, two runs and I'm done. That's right!
After our second run, I scored myself a picnic table while Jonathan did a run by himself. He rode the other life for Peak 9. The Beaver Run SuperChair. Holy cow it goes all the way to the top! I just now looked at that part of the map myself. He rode the Colombia trail down until it meets with the green Sundown trail near the bottom.
We gathered our belongings and rode the bus back to our condo. We showered and got ready to walk around downtown Breckenridge.
We ate at a French bakery. We had sandwiches, they were delicious. Jon had a strawberry tart for dessert, and I had a Nutella crepe. Amazing!
They have some cute shops here. We looked in quite a few of them. Some were already closed, so we'll have to get an earlier start some other day this week.
More skiing is planned for tomorrow. I think we're going to hit the same runs as today so I can get a little more comfortable. We're thinking of driving over to Keystone tomorrow night to see what's going on there. They have night skiing, and maybe later in the week we'll do some of that.
Hey Marsha! I'm glad you're following along. I love the Chicken Salad Sandwich that Arby's makes...with grapes and pecans. I make a version at home that's really close, but it's always better when someone else makes it for you. Ha! I wouldn't mind the FLAT Kansas if I could live by the windmills.