Friday, May 10, 2013

NADAC Agility Trial 5-10-13 Day #1

I didn't fall off the wagon, we've just been really busy.
But I'm back now, and I've got some agility footage for you.  We're currently participating in a trial this weekend.
Friday night, the usual suspects, Hoopers and Touch N Go.  We were up for a TnG title so I was pretty excited when we got to the trial site.  But they threw a wrench in my plans!  As we were walking in, they were making an announcement about a new obstacle..the barrel.  It's just that, a barrel, and you go around it. All that is fine and good, except we have never practiced it, or even seen one before.. what is this..some kind of pony show?

We did however have a great Friday night...I'll prove it with the footage.

Hoopers was first up, as always.  The course seemed like it would flow very well and that we wouldn't have any trouble.  I was slightly concerned because Oliver had been particularly fired up all afternoon, so I was afraid that perhaps he would bolt.  But he didn't.  He did take off at high can see me lagging behind, I'm not as fast as I once was.  He only had one tiny pause on the course, but nailed everything else perfectly.  He kept up his speed which makes me so happy.  We finished in 2nd place and got the Q!  We were almost a full 5 seconds under the course time!

Now for the pressure.  Touch N Go.  All we need is one more Q to earn our Novice Title.  This is where the barrel comes into play.  The dog can go around it in either direction, and apparently if you need to go around it with them, you can.  This course also seemed pretty great, except for the barrel, I wasn't sure how he'd handle it.  We had a few practice tries that he did fairly well, so I was crossing my fingers.  He NAILED it!  He had zero trouble out there.  The course played to our strengths, having him take the contacts instead of the tunnels.  We took 1st place, and a Q!  This of course earned us our Title!  We spanked the course time by almost 12 seconds.  Way to go Oliver!

We're in it for a full day tomorrow, so be ready!


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