So I figured I should blog about our Operation Oliver experience.
We drove as far as Algona Iowa on Thursday night, if you haven't heard of if, I'm not surprised. It's a pretty small town. It took us about 6 hours to get there. And there was nothing to look at but corn.
And, Jonathan's radio was stolen out of his car on Wednesday night, so we had a make shift radio using an Ipod, but it's just not the same.
Anyway, so on Friday morning we drove about 15 minutes north to Burt, Iowa...which is even smaller, we're talking houses, a post office, bank and one restaurant. So I suppose the only thing to do in this town is raise pomeranians. Oliver was the last of his litter to leave, so of course he's been spoiled the past few weeks. He had a few other dogs to play with too.

This is Jon and Oliver playing across the street while I'm eating lunch, we took turns. They were running through the grass and Oliver was jumping, I wish I had video, it was so cute. He wanted me to hold him the entire trip, which I did, because it was the only thing that stopped the crying. He wasn't interested in being in the box we brought for him, or playing with the toys.

We stopped a lot, which was nice for me, but it did take forever to get home. Here he is at a rest stop. He doesn't really get the whole walking on a leash concept, but he's getting better. He loves people, and doesn't seem to be afraid of other dogs, but cats is a different story.

He has his own crate which he loves so far (bonus!) and lots of toys that he knows are his. Last night he was dragging them in and out of his crate. The cats just simply can't believe we would do this to them. But he doesn't bark (not really anyway) or chase them, so they are confused. He's actually afraid of them if they get too close. Bean is obviously the most interested.

I was laying on the floor and happened to get this perfect shot. He has the most adorable face.

He's pretty cute, and I can't wait to watch him grow up. All of the poms from the breeder we got him from (Gifford's Pomeranians) have super fluffy coats, and he'll be no exception. His dad is particularly fluffy. As if we didn't already have a fur problem..this is only going to get worse.
I'm trying to get some good video that I hope to have up here soon, because it's just so cute.
Have a good holiday weekend.
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